Friday, October 22, 2010

Hives update

I am proud to say that the hives are doing a lot better! I was able to take a wonderful bubble bath with my favorite bubble bath (picutred-- Thymes lavender yum!) for the first time in almost three years!  I am still too nervous to go hot tubbing.  Last time I got a pedicure it gave me a few hives still.  The hot water seems to bring them out.

My dermatologist told me that there is new research that shows that a significant number of chronic hives sufferers have a Vitamin D deficiency.  There have been reports that if the Vitamin D levels are increased that the hives will improve.  I got tested, and wouldn't you know it, my levels are low.  So, I am starting on Vitamin D supplements ASAP to see if it helps.  I will cross my fingers! :)


Barry said...

I hope the Vitamin D helps!

Cecily said...

That's cool, Des!!! I hope the Vitamin D works too!!!!!! Let us know! :)

Liz said...

I'm glad things are looking up. Hope it just keeps getting better. :)

Christine said...

Wonderful news!!! It's great to take a bubble bath!